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Electricity usage of a Slow Cooker

Slow cookers are portable appliances designed for long low-temperature cooking. There are many different sizes of slow cookers, slow cookers will use 100–400 watts depending on size and if low or high settings are used.

Click calculate to find the energy consumption of a 4 quart slow cooker using 120 Watts cooking on low for 6 hours a day @ $0.10 per kWh.

Cost Per Hour:

Cost Per Day:

Cost Per Month:

Cost Per Year:

kWh Per Day:

Hours Used Per Day:

Power Use (Watts):

Price (kWh):

Hours Used Per Day: Enter how many hours the device is being used on average per day, if the power consumption is lower than 1 hour per day enter as a decimal. (For example: 30 minutes per day is 0.5)

Power Use (Watts): Enter the average power consumption of the device in watts.

Price (kWh): Enter the cost you are paying on average per kilowatt hour, our caculators use the default value of 0.10 or 10 cents. To find an exact price check your electricity bill or take a look at Global Electricity Prices.

Some people call them crock pots, but that is just a brand name of a slow cooker. Slow cookers can be energy efficient, especially if they are used on a low setting for 5-8 hours to cook a large batch of food. It takes planning, preperation and significant waiting to use a slow cooker. It might not be practical to use one everyday, but it is a great kitchen tool for energy efficient cooking.